namespace Tlf\Scrawl\Extension;
* Literally does nothing except the constructor and $scrawl property. Just a base class to save boilerplate on the interface
* @NOTE this notes extension should be updated to handle TODOs as well!
class Notes extends \Tlf\Scrawl\DoNothingExtension {
* notes: <string rel_file_path, array notes_within_file>
* notes_within_file: <int index, array note>
* note: ['file'=>string, 'line_num'=>int, 'line'=>string]. line is trimmed
protected array $notes = [];
* Record each @NOTE line with it's file path & line number information
* Called when an individual file is finished being processed
* @param $path absolute path to the file
* @param $relPath relative path to the file
* @param $file_content the content of the file
* @param $file_exports array of all items exported from just this file
public function scan_file_processed(string $path, string $relPath, string $file_content, array $file_exports) {
$lines = explode("\n", str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $file_content));
$num_notes = 0;
foreach ($lines as $index=>$text){
$pos = $pos=stripos($text, "@NOTE");
if ($pos===false){
$note_text = trim(substr($text,$pos+5));
$before_note = trim(substr($text,0,$pos));
// @NOTE next line lists 'comment-characters' that are allowed prior to an @NOTE
$has_non_comment_character = preg_match('/[^\/*#%"]/',$before_note);
if ($has_non_comment_character){
$this->scrawl->warn("Ignore @NOTE", "Line $index of $relPath");
$this->notes[$relPath][] = [
'file' => $relPath,
'line_num' => $index+1,
'line' => $note_text,
if ($num_notes > 0){
$this->scrawl->good("@NOTE", "$num_notes notes in '$relPath'",);
* Write the Notes.md file
* Called when all files are finished being processed
* @param $code_files array of all files that were scanned and processed
* @param $all_exports array of all exports found in the scanned files
public function scan_filelist_processed(array $code_files, array $all_exports){
// @NOTE This section outputs Notes.md & contains the explainer text
$h = "# Notes in this project's code";
$h.= "\nNotes are marked in code by writing `@NOTE`. Everything on the line after it is captured.";
$h.= "\n[line number] Trimmed Text of the line";
foreach ($this->notes as $file=>$notes_within_file){
$h.="\n\n## Notes for ".$file;
$urlPath = $file;
if ($urlPath[0]!='/')$urlPath = '/'.$urlPath;
$h.="\n[Source Code]($urlPath)";
foreach ($notes_within_file as $note){
$h.="\n- [".$note['line_num'].'] '.$note['line'];
$this->scrawl->write_doc("Notes.md", $h);